We are a mix of ordinary people meeting in Kendal, Cumbria, UK from different areas and countries and at different ages and stages of life.

We are an Evangelical Church. The word Evangelical comes from a Greek word meaning ‘gospel’. The gospel is the important good news about Jesus Christ, which is the great theme of the Bible. To be evangelical is to keep the Gospel at the centre. Being committed to the gospel means being committed to the authority of Scripture. The Gospel is made known to us in the pages of the Bible. The Bible is our authority. All true Christianity rests on this foundation. Our beliefs and practice are formed and shaped by what the Bible teaches.

church is not a building, it’s a family of people who are committed to Jesus Christ and to one another.

Our Vision

To love Jesus Christ and make Him known

To love Jesus: The foundation of all that we do at Parr Street Church is a living, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We are committed to growing in our knowledge and love of Him as we learn from the Bible together and we are committed to encouraging one another in lives that serve Him.
Make Him known: We are concerned to make the message of Jesus Christ clear to all who don’t know Him. We are committed, both individually and as a church, to do all we can so that people may hear about, understand and respond to Jesus Christ.

Our Values

Loving Jesus, loving each other, loving Kendal

Love is the core value of Christianity. God is love. He exists in an everlasting loving relationship of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He demonstrated His love by sending His one and only Son into the world to pay the penalty for our rejection and hatred of Him so that we might have life with Him. (1 John 4:8-10)

As people on the receiving end of God’s loving rescue, enjoying relationship with the God of love, Christians are to be people of love. We love God, the Lord Jesus and we love those He loves – the church (each other) and the world in which we live (Kendal).

Our logo pictures people under the Bible. We seek to be a people “under” the Word of God. That is we submit to it as the supreme authority on what we believe and how we behave. A Cross springing from the Bible’s pages reminds us that Jesus Christ and His rescue is the central message of the Bible. The people also form pillars or foundations holding up the Bible.

This is to signify the truth of 1 Timothy 3:15. “The church is the household of God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” As pillars and foundations made ancient buildings visible and accessible, so our God-given role is to make the truth of Jesus Christ visible and accessible to the world.

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