Money and Giving
Parr Street Church is supported financially by its members and some regular attenders. However, some visitors also ask about ways to give, so our bank details are provided below.
If you wish to send details of your gift to the church treasurer please contact him using the contact form below or use the Reference box in your bank’s online payment window to convey as much information as you can.
We are currently running an appeal for funds to replace and insulate our main hall roof which has been leaking for a number of years. So if you wish to give specifically towards this cost please mark your gift ‘Roof Appeal’ or similar.
Thank you.
Bank Transfer
Name of a/c – Parr Street Evangelical Church
Name of bank – Barclays, Kendal
Sort Code – 20-45-28
A/c number – 30250139
The church is registered with the Charity Commission. Our charity number is 1141454