Our Beliefs
As an evangelical church, we delight in the five fundamental Reformation declarations:
“Scripture alone”
The Bible is our final and highest authority. It is sufficient for all matters in life.
“Faith alone”
We are declared perfect by God and saved by faith alone. Good deeds are not required for our salvation.
“Grace alone”
God saved us by grace alone; He loved us even though we didn’t deserve it.
“Christ alone”
Jesus Christ is the only mediator between us and God. We can have a relationship with God because of Christ’s life, His death and His resurrection.
“Glory to God alone”
We owe all glory to God alone, because He has saved us, by giving us His Son, Jesus. He has given us the faith we need to believe in Him, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We joyfully accept the doctrinal basis of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches – click HERE
Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored is an informal course for anyone who would like to investigate Christianity informally with others. It introduces people to Jesus as they read the gospel of Mark, exploring who Jesus is, why He came and what it means to follow Him. We run regular courses, as and when people want to take part. If you’re interested in the course, please contact us.